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Incentivi fotovoltaico, il decreto FER 1 è pronto

Photovoltaic incentives, FER 1 Decree is ready

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Cos'è il Decreto FER?

What is the FER Decree?

What is the FER Decree? The FER Decree (Renewable Energy Sources) is a decree that aims to support the production of electricity from plants powere...

The Renewable Decree FER 1 is being examined by the European Commission and awaits from Brussels the definitive go-ahead for the incentives on photovoltaic, geothermal and mini-hydroelectric plants: the final text has in fact been submitted to the competent body at European level by the Italian government and promises important news in the field of energy produced from renewable energy sources.

Precisely because there is currently the need to resort to alternative energy sources such as solar and wind energy, constantly renewed and never exhausted, is that this type of energy resources is a clean option, that is, does not pollute the environment.

Therefore, unlike traditional energy sources, renewable sources are not only cheap but also environmentally friendly.


Photovoltaic incentives, FER 1 Decree is ready: 2019 photovoltaic incentives

The photovoltaic FER decree

The decree for renewable energy sources is highly expected as it introduces significant energy measures and incentives 5 years after the end of the previous initiative, the Energy Bill. In particular, subsidies are provided for the construction of photovoltaic systems in place of asbestos or eternit roofing, with up to 12 € / MWh of premium on all the energy produced. The plants with a capacity of up to 100 kW installed on buildings will also enjoy an additional bonus of € 10 / MWh on the net production quota consumed on site: the purpose of the legislation, in parallel to the replacement of the eternit roofs harmful to health, it is in fact that of encouraging self-consumption of energy, as well as that produced and fed into the network.

Compared to the previous drafts, the definitive text of the FER 1 Decree increases to 15 months the maximum period of time between the communication certifying the award of the incentive for photovoltaics and the effective entry into operation of the solar plant: in addition to this limit time (which initially was 12 months), a bonus deduction will start.

How to request incentives for photovoltaics

There will be two methods of access to the incentives provided for by the Renewable Decree - registers and auctions - based on the power of the plants in question. Plants with a capacity of less than 1 MW of new construction, fully rebuilt and reactivated, as well as those of reconstruction and those that undergo upgrading operations but with power differences between before and after, less than 1 MW must participate in public procedures of selection of projects. It is also possible to request incentives, following this method, also for several plants grouped in a single group, provided that the total power does not exceed the threshold of 1 MW and that of the individual plants is higher than 20 kW.

Photovoltaic plants with power equal to or greater than 1 MW, on the other hand, access state incentives through an auction; also in this case, it is possible to request the facilities for groups of plants, with total power greater than 1 MW and power of individual plants between 20 kW and 500 kW.

On the other hand, incentives for photovoltaic plants that are already subject to bonuses for renewable sources envisaged by the Ministerial Decree of 23 June 2016 are not allowed.

FER 2018 Decree - the timing

Both for the registration to the registers, and for the admission to the auction procedures for the photovoltaic incentives, the decree establishes eight tenders with successive expirations: the publication of the first was initially scheduled for January 31, 2019, but the protract of the procedure of approval in the European Commission has already postponed this date and consequently also the subsequent ones; the last time frame to request incentives is set for May 31, 2021.

The 30 days are confirmed, from the opening of the call for tenders, for the presentation of the incentive applications, after which the GSE (Energy Services Manager) will formulate a ranking that is not subject to sliding in case of revocation or renunciation. Priority will be given to photovoltaic plants in construction on closed landfills and as a replacement for asbestos roofing on public buildings (schools, hospitals, ...), as well as those involving connection to the electricity grid and charging stations of electric cars ( with at least 15 kW of power per column).

Myenergy, a specialized partner for energy for home, companies and public organizations, offers all its experience and expertise to support customers interested in renewable energy incentives along the entire process, from the request for facilitation to the construction of the photovoltaic system keys in hand.

Contact us now to submit your needs.

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