There are new features for the Renewable Decree
In theory, there isn’t significant changes in the comparison of the FER1 Decree, but there are updates about the speculative date of release of the same Decree.After a long series of changes made during the drafting of the Decree due to the perpetuation of the dialogue between Italy and EU Commissions, we are even closer to the date of issue of the draft decree on new incentives for electricity renewables.
At the moment, the date is not yet certain, in fact, after sending the text of the decree to the European Commission, Brussels asked for clarifications without which it would not give the green light. The Undersecretary for Economic Development, Davide Crippa, from his Facebook page announced that the time will be extended by at least another 60 days, "the maximum time for the next European meeting".
For this reason, news begins to circulate that they would argue that the Renewable Energy Sources Decree will be ready for final enactment by May / June 2019. The latter was strengthened by the fact that the FER 1 decree provided, both for the registers and for the auctions, that the GSE published eight tenders and is also about to approach the date of the second call, set for May 31, 2019.
![Decree for Photovoltaic FER1](/files/news/23/14266734252-e6e185ec35-o.jpg)
Photovoltaic: Summary of the Draft
As other articles in our blog have already specified, the facilitation will consist in the payment for the guaranteed period of twenty years of a subsidized tariff of the electricity produced by the photovoltaic system and "sold on the spot" in addition to the possibility of self-consumption the energy produced. (we are talking about € 12 / mWh for systems replacing asbestos or Eternit roofs; instead, for systems with power up to 100 kW installed on buildings, the net production quota consumed on site is given a prize of € 10 / MWh). Installations with access to incentives must have a minimum power of 20 kW and not more than 1MW, but it is clear that the more powerful the photovoltaic plants are, the more convenience they are.
It is true that there will not be the same economic advantage of 10 years ago but, in contrast, the current technological development on the photovoltaic panels ensures a better production of energy, so it is not recommended to evaluate the possibility.
An opportunity not to be missed in photovoltaics
This is an unquestionably recommended opportunity for the owners of the sheds, stables or buildings that are covered with asbestos roofs: in fact, in the granting of the subsidy, the interventions with which harmful coverings are eliminated are preferred (even the disused quarries for example find space in the FER Decree); even the roofs on which the asbestos to be removed is not present will enjoy the facility, but will be placed in a second floor.
How to take advantage of the deduction?
A method to be able to take advantage of the deduction is that for which the owner intervenes directly in the economic investment for the removal of the existing roof covering and the subsequent laying of the photovoltaic panels or the other solution is the one in which the owner of the building puts on contact with the installers of photovoltaic systems with which to find the agreement for the management of the coverage (loan for use, lease, etc. ...) and, if the laying company considers the intervention interesting, it will take care of drawing up the documents necessary to guarantee the facilitation and, once you are sure of obtaining the facility itself, you will have 18 months to carry out the asbestos removal works and subsequent installation of the photovoltaic panels. In this last case the owner will find himself having a new roof without the asbestos problem and on it the photovoltaic plant will be owned by the investor.
And then, there is not only the economic advantage ...
Certainly it is worth asking information for a quote also because photovoltaic energy production is a renewable and clean source of energy. Furthermore, it has a more moral / environmental value than strictly and solely economic / speculative.
Generally speaking, it can be said, very generically, that on installations of 80/100 kW the economic return can be between 8 and 12 years, ensuring a certain gain for all subsequent years, imagining that a modern photovoltaic system can last for at least 25/30 years and the favorable tax treatment is guaranteed for at least twenty years. But for more information you can contact us directly and we will calculate the estimate and evaluate the specifications for a return of the inversion and guarantee a lifetime profit.
Furthermore, the advice for all those who were owners of warehouses, buildings, sheds, stables ... is to inquire with our own experts to verify the actual economic convenience and the real possibilities of renewing the roof covering, especially if still in asbestos.