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Step 1: In which country would you like to install the system?
Step 2: Power to be installed
Step 3: Type of structure
Step 4: You know how much it costs the utility bill?
Attach your latest bill (pdf, doc, docx, odt - Max. 10Mb)
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Step 5: The consumption of energy
Step 6: Type of installation:
Step 7: Orientation
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Together to go far!

Myenergy and SMA are now partners

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Myenergy is now part of the SMA PARTNER PROGRAM

For over 35 years SMA has been an active player in the development of renewable energy. With its revolutionary inverter technology, SMA has made a significant contribution to allowing renewable energy to leave the pioneering phase behind to become increasingly the norm worldwide.

Our decision to join the SMA PARTNER PROGRAM depends not only on the reliability of the brand, but also on the support to expand and consolidate the technical skills.

sma solar partner

Myenergy looks for safety, quality and excellence in its partners, non-negotiable aspects for SMA; these are exactly the factors that guarantee the maximum efficiency and sustainability of photovoltaic systems over the years in all application areas and in all size classes.

Our customers increasingly want energy independence, made possible also thanks to new storage solutions, the integration of photovoltaics in home automation systems and the recharging of their electric cars. To meet these growing needs, thirty years of experience and the constant search for technological innovation make SMA the ideal partner.

As a leading global specialist in photovoltaic technology, SMA now sets the standards for tomorrow's decentralized, digital and renewable energy supply. Over 3,000 SMA employees in 18 countries are committed to this goal. Its innovative solutions for all types of photovoltaic applications offer people and companies around the world greater independence in meeting their energy needs.

SMA PARTNER PROGRAM actively supports its partners in expanding their business and consolidating their technical skills. This will allow us to take advantage of it together and be successful in the photovoltaic market. As SMA itself declares, "We give shape to the energy of the future", a fact that is not at all debatable, and that is why the relationship between Myenergy and SMA has begun. Always together to go far!

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