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Type of housing
Step 1: In which country would you like to install the system?
Step 2: Power to be installed
Step 3: Type of structure
Step 4: You know how much it costs the utility bill?
Attach your latest bill (pdf, doc, docx, odt - Max. 10Mb)
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Step 5: The consumption of energy
Step 6: Type of installation:
Step 7: Orientation
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Myenergy presente al Forum Agenti Milano: Immagine

Myenergy present at the Forum Agenti Milan

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Cos'è il Decreto FER?

What is the FER Decree?

What is the FER Decree? The FER Decree (Renewable Energy Sources) is a decree that aims to support the production of electricity from plants powere...

Thursday 14 and Friday 15 November 2019 Myenergy will be present at the Forum Agenti Milan.

Thousands of Sales Agents will carry out Agent Research Interviews with the hundreds of Participating Companies. Each Exhibitor Company will have its own "Interview Station" in which to meet the Commercial Agents interested in acquiring the Representative Mandate.

The Milanese event proves to be an essential stop on the annual calendar of the event, the only International Fair entirely dedicated to Trade Agent Research Talks, enriched with multiple initiatives and services.

Myenergy will participate in this event with the presence of two employees and awaits you on November 14th and 15th from 10am to 5pm.

The November 2018 edition confirmed the trend of attendance and objectives achieved. Moreover, the best professionals, specialized in the field of Commercial Agents (Legal and Fiscal), will lend their free advice to the Agents at the Fair.

In an event reserved for Trade Agents, prestigious Sponsors cannot miss, who, through the strength of their own brands, will guarantee further, useful opportunities for the Category in Fairs

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