With a new advertising campaign on the frequencies of Radio 24, the radio of Il Sole 24 Ore, Myenergy Spa, a leader in energy efficiency, tells the public its story and its offer.

For over 15 years Myenergy has been dealing with renewable sources and sustainability, with over 120 MW of photovoltaic plants in Italy and in the world. Our work focuses on the entire cycle of Design, Construction, Technical Testing and Maintenance of photovoltaic and thermal systems entirely with internal staff.
The company has the UNI CEI 11352 certification "Energy management - Companies providing energy services (ESCo)".
We also have an Integrated Quality - Environment - Safety System according to the reference standards UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 - UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 - BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 and we have the SOA OG1 class III, OG9 class VI, OG10 certification class III and OS30 class III BIS.
Myenergy's offer fully covers every customer need with an ad hoc offer.
Become an ambassador of sustainability too by creating a photovoltaic system for your company. Save on electricity bills and get government incentives, maximizing returns. Take advantage of the advantages of operational rental or rent your roof and build your photovoltaic system at no cost.